Roberts CR99712 Manual do Utilizador

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Página 1

English-French and French-English

Página 2

Chapter 1ENGLISH-FRENCH.Accelerator Accelerateur.Accelerator control gear Mouvement de commanded’accelerateur.Accelerator pedal Pedale d’accelerateur.

Página 3

Water circulation connection Tubulure pour circulation d’eau.Water cooling Refroidissement a l’eau.Water gauge Niveau d’eau.Water gauge glass Tube de

Página 4

Wheel pulley Poulie jante.Whip Cravache.Whistle Sifflet.White light Feu blanc.Wick Meche.Wind Vent.Wind, head Vent contraire.Wind shield Contrevent.Wind

Página 5 - Contents

Working load Charge utile.Working parts Pieces mecaniques.Working pressure Pression effective.Workmanship Main d’oeuvre.Works Ateliers; fabrique; usine

Página 6

Chapter 24YYew If.Yoke Etrier.

Página 7

Chapter 25ZZinc Zinc.

Página 8

Chapter 26FRENCH-ENGLISH.Abonnement Subscription.Acajou Mahogany.Acatene Chainless.Accelerateur Accelerator.Accessoires Accessories.Accidente Hilly.Ac

Página 9

Aiguille Needle; pricker.Aile Wing.Aile d’arriere Back wing.Aile d’avant Front wing.Ailette Gill; flange; fin.Ajoure With an opening.Alcool denature Met


Arbre d’accelerateur Accelerator shaft.Arbre de changement de vitesse Change speed shaft.Arbre de differentiel Differential shaft.Arbre de direction Ste

Página 11

Attache Clamp.Automobile Self-propelling; motorcar.Autoreparateur, -rice Self-sealing.Avance a l’allumage Sparking advance.Avance a l’allumage, appare

Página 12

Axe moteur Driving shaft.Axe principal Main axle.Axe supportant les distributeurs Commutator cam shaft.d’allumage.

Página 13 - Chapter 2

Adhesion Adhesion.Adjust the ball-bearings, to Ajuster les roulements a billes.Adjustable bearings Coussinets ajustables.Adjustable cone bearings Cous

Página 14

Chapter 27BBac d’accumulateur Containing case.Bache Tarpaulin.Bague Collar; bush.Bague a collerette Flanged collar.Bague de biellette de rappel de Col

Página 15

Ballon demontable Removable canopy.Bandage Tyre.Bandage plein Solid tyre.Bande anti-derapante Non-skidding band.Bande de roulement Tread.Baquet Bucket

Página 16

Bielle Connecting rod; rod.Bielle de changement de vitesse Change speed connecting rod.Bielle de commande de debrayage Brake and clutch lever con-nect

Página 17

Bobine sans trembleur Non-trembler coil.Bois d’arbre a suif Tallow wood.Boisseau de butoir Buffer guide.Boite Box.Boite a garniture Stuffing box.Boite a

Página 18

Bouchon d’inflammateur Firing nipple.Bouchon de reservoir Water cap.Bouchon du regard d’echappement Exhaust valve inspectioncap.Bouchon de valve Valve

Página 19

Bouton Button.Bouton d’arret Stop button.Bouton de manivelle Crank pin.Bouton de porte Door handle.Braser To braze.Brassiere Arm sling.Brevet d’invent

Página 20

Chapter 28CCab Cab.Cable Wire; rope.Cable flexible Flexible wire.Cache-poussiere Dust cap.Cadre Frame.Cadre a ressorts Spring frame.Cadre antivibrateur

Página 21

Calotte de soupape d’aspiration Inlet valve cap.Calotte de timbre Dome of bell.Came Cam.Came d’allumage Ignition cam.Came d’echappement Exhaust lift c

Página 22 - Chapter 3

Cardan Cardan; arbor shaft.Carneau Fire-tube.Carrefour Crossways.Carrosserie Carriage work.Carrossier Carriage builder.Carter Crank case; gear case.Ca

Página 23

Champignon de pulverisation Sprayer.Chanfreiner To chamfer.Changement de marche Reversing gear.Changement de vitesse Change speed gear.Chape Tread of

Página 24

Ampere Ampere.Angle bar Corniere.Angle plate Equerre.Anneal, to Recuire.Apply the brake, to Freiner; serrer le frein.Apron Tablier.Arbor shaft Cardan.

Página 25

Chassis court Short frame.Chassis inferieur Under-frame.Chataignier Chestnut.Chaudiere Boiler.Chaudiere a vaporisation Flash boiler.instantaneeChauffer

Página 26

Clef americaine a molette Billing spanner.“Billing.”Clef anglaise Screw wrench.Clef a deux branches Double branch spanner.Clef a douille Box spanner.C

Página 27

Collier de levier de frein Brake detachable clip.Collier de reglage des cuvettes Bottom, bracket adjustingde pedalier_ collar._Collier de serrage Clip

Página 28

Contour Outline.Contre-clavette Gib.Contre-ecrou Lock-nut.Contre-ecrou de direction Head locking nut.Contre-ecrou du pignon arriere Chain ring lock nu

Página 29

Coup de poing Hand pump.Coupe Section.Coupe Brougham.Coupe-circuit Cut-out.Coupe longitudinale Longitudinal section.Coupe transversale Cross section.C

Página 30

Coussinets a cones reglables Adjustable cone bearings.Coussinets a cuvettes reglables Adjustable cup bearings.Coussinets a double filet Double ball bea

Página 31

Crochets de la jante Clinch of the rim.Croisillon Cross shaft.Croissant de protection Protecting band; tread.Crosse Cross head.Crupon pour courroie Be

Página 32

Chapter 29DDard Dragon tongue.Debit Feed.Debrayer To disengage; to de-clutch.Debrayer la courroie To throw off the belt.Dechets de coton Cotton waste.D

Página 33

Dent de roue Cog.Denture Tooth; cog.Depart Outlet.Derapage Side slip.Deraper To side slip; to skid.Descente dangereuse Dangerous hill.Desengrener To t

Página 34 - Chapter 4

Douille Bush; sleeve.Douille de direction Head socket.Douille de lanterne Lamp stump.Douille de mise en marche Starting pinion bush.Douille de regulat

Página 35

Chapter 2BBack balance, crank Contrepoids de vilebrequin.Backbone Corps.Back fire Allumage premature; choc enarriere.Back fork Fourche arriere.Back for

Página 36

Chapter 30EEbauche Rough; forging.Ebene Ebony.Ecartement des essieux Distance between axles.Ecartement des roues Wheel gauge.Echappement Exhaust.Echau

Página 37

Ecrou du collier de direction Head and handle bar clip nut.Ecrou du moyeu arriere Back hub spindle nut.Ecrou du moyeu avant Front hub spindle nut.Ecro

Página 38

Engrenage Gear.Engrenage a chevrons Double helical gear.Engrenage conique Bevel gear.Engrenage de dedoublement Two to one gear.Engrenage droit Spur ge

Página 39 - Chapter 5

Essence Petrol; spirit.Essieu Axle.Essieu a billes Ball bearing axle.Essieu brise Divided axle.Essieu directeur Steering axle.Essieu droit Straight ax

Página 40

Exposition Exhibition; show.Extincteur Extinguisher.

Página 41

Chapter 31FFabrique Factory.Faisceau tubulaire Stack of tubes.Fargue Wash-board.Fendu Split.Fer en U Channel iron.Fer forge Wrought iron.Fer profile Se

Página 42 - Eye bolt Piton

Fil electrique Electric wire.Filet Thread of a screw.Filetage double male Double male screwed.Filtre Filter.Flasque Cheek.Flotteur Float.Flotteur de c

Página 43

Frein a expansion Expansion brake.Frein a levier Lever brake.Frein a machoires Clasp brake; clip brake.Frein a patin Spoon brake.Frein a sabot Spoon b

Página 44

Chapter 32GGabarit Template.Gache Staple.Gaiac Lignum vitae.Gaine Case; sheath.Galerie Luggage guard.Galet Roller.Galet d’arbre a cames Cam shaft roll

Página 45

Garde-crotte Mudguard.Garde-jupe Dress guard.Garni Upholstered; bushed.Garniture Lining; upholstering; packing.Gaz acetylene Acetylene gas.Gaz brule B

Página 46

Back pressure Contre-pression.Back rim Jante de la roue arriere.Back stay Tube montant arriere.Back step Marchepied d’arriere.Back tyre { Bandage de l

Página 47

Goupille Pin.Goupille conique Taper pin.Goupille de bague de culbuteur Trip rod collar pin.Goupille de mise en marche Starting gear pin.Goupille fendu

Página 48 - Chapter 7

Gripper To seize.Groupe moteur Motor and gear.Guichet de prise d’air Air inlet flap or valve.Guide Guide.Guide de fourchette d’echappement Exhaust fork

Página 49

Chapter 33HHaute tension High tension.Hayon Front or tail board of a wagon.Helice Propeller.Hemlock Hemlock.Hernie Boil; bulge on cover.Hetre Beech.Hi

Página 50

Chapter 34IIf Yew.Imperforable Puncture proof.Impermeable a l’air Air tight.Indegonflable Non-deflatable.Indicateur de pentes Gradometer.Indicateur de p

Página 51

Chapter 35JJante Rim.Jante creuse Hollow rim.Jante de la roue arriere Back rim.Jante de la roue avant Front rim.Jante en acier Steel rim.Jante en bois

Página 52 - Chapter 8

Chapter 36LLacet Belt lace.Lache Slack.Laiton Brass.Lame Small plate; blade.Lame a talon du rupteur Carpentier High speed trembler topplate.Lame de co

Página 53

Lanterne a huile Oil lamp.Lanterne a petrole Petroleum lamp.Lanterne de queue Tail light.Largeur au maitre-bau Beam.Lentille Lens (of lamp).Levier Lev

Página 54

Lumiere d’echappement Exhaust port.Lunettes de route Goggles.

Página 55 - Chapter 9

Chapter 37MMacadam Macadam.Macaron Cork float.Machine de route Roadster.Maillechort German silver.Maillon Link.Main de ressort Scroll iron.Main de supp

Página 56

Manette d’avance a l’allumage Sparking advance lever.Manette de commande Controlling lever.Manette de compression Compression lever.Manivelle Crank; s

Página 57 - Chapter 10

Ball race Rangee de billes.Ball race cup Cuvette a billes.Ball race of back axle Cuvette arriere d’essieu a billes.Ball race of front axle Cuvette ava

Página 58 - Chapter 11

Mentonnet Flange.Meuler To grind.Mine de plomb Blacklead.Mise en marche Starting.Moderateur Governor; regulator.Mollete Milled.Montant de porte Door p

Página 59 - Chapter 12

Chapter 38NNecessaire de reparations Repair outfit.Nickeler To plate.Noyau de fer Iron core.Noyer Walnut.

Página 60

Chapter 39OObturateur Cap for oil hole.Obus Valve plug (tyre).Odometre Odometer.OEuvre, dans l’ In the clear.OEuvre, hors Over all.Omnibus Omnibus.Ore

Página 61

Chapter 40PPalette de marchepied Step tread.Palier Bearing block.Palier central Centre bearing.Palier de butee Thrust bearing.Palier, en On the flat.Pa

Página 62

Pas de vis Pitch; thread of screw.Pastille pour reparation de pneu. Patch for repairing tyre.Pate a polir Metal polish.Patin de frein Brake spoon or s

Página 63 - Chapter 13

Pente faible }Perforation Puncture.Perforer, se To puncture.Persienne Shutter.Petrole lampant Paraffin; heavy oil.Petrole lourd Heavy oil.Phaeton Phaeto

Página 64

Pincage Pinching (of tyre).Pincer To pinch.Piston Piston.Piston a air Air piston.Piston de carburateur Carburetter piston.Piston de moteur Motor pisto

Página 65

Plateau de manivelle Crank disc.Plus-value Extra price.Pneu-cuir Tread.Pneumatique Tyre; cover.Pneumatique a talons Cover with beaded edges.Pneumatiqu

Página 66 - Chapter 14

Pompe a air Air pump.Pompe a battant Pump with clapper valve.Pompe a etrier Stirrup pump.Pompe a huile Oil pump.Pompe a pied Foot pump.Pompe centrifug

Página 67

Poteau d’arrivee Winning post.Poteau indicateur Finger post.Poulie Pulley.Poulie de bequille Sprag pulley.Poulie de commande Driving pulley.Poulie de

Página 68 - Chapter 15

Belt, cemented Courroie collee.Belt, edged Courroie a talon.Belt fastener Agrafe de courroie.Belt, flat Courroie plate.Belt grease Enduit pour courroie

Página 69

Purge Blow off.Purgeur continu Drip tap.

Página 70 - Chapter 16

Chapter 41QQuadricycle a moteur Motor quadricycle.Quadruplette Quadruplet.Quille Keel.Quinconces, en Staggered.

Página 71

Chapter 42RRaccord Union; pipe connection.Raccord d’aspiration Inlet valve union.Raccord de pompe Pump union.Raccord du pilier de selle Saddle lug; se

Página 72

Rampe de sortie d’eau Inclined water outlet.Rampe, en On a gradient.Rangee de billes Ball race.Rappel, tige de Digger rod.Rate d’allumage Misfire.Rattr

Página 73

Regulateur Governor; regulator.Regulateur a main fixe sur le Carburetter hand regulator.carburateurRembourre Stuffed.Remiser une voiture To house a car.

Página 74

Ressort de rappel de distributeur Long commutator spring.Ressort de rappel de frein Brake spring.Ressort de rappel de levier de Carburetter lever spri

Página 75

Robinet de reservoir Petrol tank tap.Robinet de tuyauterie a essence Petrol pipe tap.Robinet de vidange Drain tap.Robinet pour alimentation de Lubrica

Página 76 - Chapter 17

Roue dentee Cog wheel.Roue directrice Steering wheel.Roue ferree Iron tyred wheel.Roue folle Free wheel.Roue libre Free wheel.Roue libre a billes Ball

Página 77 - Chapter 18

Routiere Roadster.Rupteur Trembler; contact breaker.

Página 78

Chapter 43SSabot Block.Sabot bois pour interrupteur Wooden switch block.Sabot de frein Brake spoon or shoe.Sabot forme cuiller Spoon block.Sac Bag.Sac

Página 79

Bicyclist Bicycliste.Billing spanner Clef americaine a molette“Billing.”Bike Becane.Birchwood Bouleau.Blacklead Mine de plomb.Blacksmith Forgeron.Blad

Página 80

Secteur pour direction Steering quadrant.Segment Segment.Segment de piston Piston ring.Selle Saddle.Semelle Sole piece.Serie de fils Set of wires.Serin

Página 81 - Chapter 19

Siege triple de soupape Triple inlet valve seat.d’aspirationSilencieux Exhaust box; silencer.Societe Club.Socle Base.Soie de manivelle Crank pin.Sonne

Página 82

Strapontin Bracket seat; folding seat.Support Support.Support de pompe Pump bracket.Surchauffeur Superheater.Surface de refroidissement Cooling surface

Página 83

Chapter 44TTablier Apron; length available forcarriage work.Tablier d’arriere Tail board.Tablier d’avant Front apron; front board.Talc French chalk.Ta

Página 84

Te Tee.Teck Teak.Temps, a quatre Otto cycle.Temps d’aspiration Suction stroke.Temps de compression Compression stroke.Temps d’echappement Exhaust stro

Página 85

Tige du cliquet de levier de Change speed lever rod.changement de vitesseTige de distribution Slide rod.Tige d’excentrique Eccentric rod.Tige de flotte

Página 86

Tirette Prop.Tiroir Slide valve.Tiroir a coquille D valve.Toc Guide; tappet.Toc d’embrayage Guide for clutch cone.Toc de levier de regulateur Guide fo

Página 87

Tracteur Tractor.Train balladeur Balladeur train.Traits de force Shade lines.Transmission a Cardan Arbor shaft system oftransmission.Trappe Flap door.

Página 88

Tube d’admission Induction pipe.Tube caoutchouc Rubber tube.Tube caoutchouc de valve Rubber sleeve of valve.Tube d’alimentation Gaspipe to motor; feed

Página 89

Tubulure Nozzle; connection.Tuyau Pipe.Tuyauterie Tubing.Tuyauterie d’aspiration Suction tubing.Tuyauterie d’echappement Exhaust tubing.Tuyere Nozzle.

Página 90

Boss Moyeu.Bottom bracket Pedalier.Bottom head cone Cone du raccord inferieur avant.Bottom head cup Raccord inferieur avant.Bottom stay Tube de la fou

Página 91 - Chapter 20

Chapter 45UUsine Factory.Usure Wear and tear.

Página 92

Chapter 46VValve Valve.Vapeur de decharge Exhaust steam.Vaporisateur a pulverisation Spray vaporiser.Vaporisation Steam production.Vehicule Vehicle.Ve

Página 93

Virole Ferrule.Vis Screw.Vis a filet droit Right handed screw.Vis a filet gauche Left handed screw.Vis bouchon de purge Run off screw.Vis d’axe de piston

Página 94

Vis graisseur pour chapeau Lubricator screw for wheel cap.d’essieuVis platinee de contact Platinum tipped screw.Vis pointeau de lampe de bruleur Screw

Página 95 - Twist belt Courroie torse

Volant de pompe Pump wheel.Volant de regulateur Governor wheel.Volet Shutter.Voltmetre Voltmeter.Vrac, en In bulk.

Página 96

Chapter 47WWagonnette Wagonette.

Página 97 - Chapter 22

Chapter 48YYatagan Clutch lever.Yeuse Live oak.

Página 98

Chapter 49ZZinc Zinc.

Página 99 - Chapter 23


Página 100


Página 101

frein.Brake pedal spring Ressort de rappel de pedale defrein.Brake plunger Tube de frein.Brake pulley Poulie de frein.Brake rod Tige de frein.Brake ro

Página 102

Chapter 52PUBLISHED BYE. & F. N. SPON, Limited,57 Haymarket, London, S.W.SOLE ENGLISH AGENTS for the Books of—MYRON C. CLARK, NEW YORKSPON & C

Página 103 - Chapter 24

Chapter 53AGRICULTURE.=Hemp.= A Practical Treatise on the Culture forSeed and Fibre. By S. S. BOYCE. 13 illus. 112 8vo. (New York, 1900 ) net

Página 104 - Chapter 25

P. L. SIMMONDS. 143 pp. crown 8vo. (1877 ) 4 6=Estate Fences=, their Choice, Construction andCost. By A. VERNON. Re-issue, 150 illus.420 pp. 8vo. (190


Chapter 54ARCHITECTUREAND BUILDING.=Engineering Work in Public Buildings.= ByR. O. ALLSOP. 77 illus. 168 pp. demy 4to.(1912 ) net 12 6=The Hydropathic

Página 106

136 pp. crown 8vo. (1895 ) 3 6=Chimney Design and Theory.= By W. W.CHRISTIE. Second edition, 54 illus. 200 8vo. (New York, 1902 ) net 12 6=Ap

Página 107

=A Handbook of Formulae, Tables, and Memorandafor Architectural Surveyors.= By J. T.HURST. Fifteenth edition, 512 pp. royal 32mo,roan. (1905 ) net 5 0

Página 108

TREDGOLD AND J. T. HURST. Eleventh edition,48 plates, 517 pp. crown 8vo. (1904 ) 12 6=Treatise on the Design and Construction ofMill Buildings.= By W.

Página 109 - Axe principal Main axle

Chapter 55ARTILLERY.=Guns and Gun Making Material.= By G. EDE.Crown 8vo. (1889 ) 6 0=Treatise on Application of Wire to Constructionof Ordnance.= By J

Página 110 - Chapter 27

Chapter 56AVIATION.=The Atmosphere=: its characteristics and dynamics.By F. J. B. CORDEIRO. 35 illus. 129 pp. smallquarto. (New York, 1910 ) net 10 6=

Página 111

=Resistance of Air and the Question of Flying.=By A. SAMUELSON. 23 illus. 36 pp. 8vo, sewed.(1905 ) net 2 0=Aeroplanes in Gusts, Soaring Flight and Ae

Página 112

The Project Gutenberg EBook of English-French and French-Englishdictionary of the motor car, cycle, and boat, by Frederick LucasThis eBook is for the

Página 113

Bright parts Parties polies.Broad Large.Brougham Coupe.Brush, dynamo Balai.Bucket seat Baquet.Buckled wheel Roue voilee; roue tordue.Buffer Tampon.Buffe

Página 114

Chapter 57BRIDGES, ARCHES,ROOFS, ANDSTRUCTURALDESIGN.=Strains in Ironwork.= By HENRY ADAMS. Fourthedition, 8 plates, 65 pp. crown 8vo. (1904 ) 5 0=Des

Página 115

Oblique or Skew Arches.= By G. J. BELL.Second edition, 17 plates, 125 pp. royal 8vo.(1906 ) net 1 1 0=Economics of Construction= in relation to Framed

Página 116 - Chapter 28

(New York, 1892 ) net 2 0=Bridge and Tunnel Centres.= By J. B. MCMASTERS.Illustrated, 106 pp. 18mo, boards. (New York,1893 ) net 2 0=Notes on Cylinder

Página 117

Chapter 58CEMENT ANDCONCRETE.=Portland Cement=: its Manufacture, Testing andUse, By D. B. BUTLER. Second edition, 97 illus.396 pp. demy 8vo. (1905 ) n

Página 118

in roll. (1911 ) net 5 0=Cement Users’ and Buyers’ Guide.= By CALCARE.115 pp. 32mo, cloth. (1901 ) net 1 6=Diagrams for Designing Reinforced ConcreteS

Página 119

Vaults.= By A. A. HOUGHTON. 18 illus. 65 8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 31.) (NewYork, 1911 ) net 1 6=Concrete Floors and Sidewalks.= By A. A.

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1907 ) net 21 0=Theory and Design of Reinforced ConcreteArches.= By A. REUTERDAHL. 41 illus. 126 pp.8vo. (New York, 1908 ) net 8 6=Specification for Co

Página 121

Chapter 59CIVILENGINEERING.CANALS, SURVEYING.(See also IRRIGATION and WATER SUPPLY.)=Practical Hints to Young Engineers Employedon Indian Railways.= B

Página 122

=Land Area Tables.= By W. CODD. Sheet mountedon linen, in cloth case, with explanatory booklet 3 6=The Maintenance of Macadamised Roads.= ByT. CODRING

Página 123

=Waterways and Water Transport.= By J. S.JEANS. 55 illus. 520 pp. 8vo. (1890 ) net 9 0=Table of Barometrical Heights to 20,000 Feet.=By LT.-COL. W. H.

Página 124

Burst (tyre) Crevaison.Bush Douille; bague.Bushed Fourre; garni.Butt-ended spokes Rayons renforces.Butterfly nut Ecrou a oreilles; papillon.Butterfly va

Página 125

By W. PILKINGTON. 5 illus. 44 pp. 12mo.(1909 ) net 1 6=Pioneering.= By F. SHELFORD. Illustrated, 88 8vo. (1909 ) net 3 0=Topographical Survey

Página 126

Chapter 60CURVE TABLES.=Grace’s Tables for Curves=, with hints to youngengineers. 8 figures, 43 pp. oblong 8vo. (1908 ) net 5 0=Railroad Curves and Ear

Página 127 - Chapter 29

Royal 32mo net 2 0=Tables of Parabolic Curves= for the use of RailwayEngineers and others. By G. T. ALLEN. Fcap.16mo 4 0=Transition Curves.= By W. G.

Página 128

Chapter 61DICTIONARIES.=Technological Dictionary in the English, Spanish,German and French Languages.= By D.CARLOS HUELIN Y ARSSU. Crown 8vo.Vol. I. E

Página 129

=Spanish-English Dictionary of Mining Terms.=By F. LUCAS. 78 pp. 8vo.(1905 ) net 5 0=English-Russian and Russian-English EngineeringDictionary.= By L.

Página 130 - Chapter 30

Chapter 62DOMESTICECONOMY.=Food Adulteration and its Detection.= By J. P.BATTERSHALL. 12 plates, 328 pp. demy 8vo.(New York, 1887 ) 15 0=Practical Hin

Página 131

=Spons’ Household Manual.= 250 illus. 1043 pp.demy 8vo. (1902 ) 7 6Ditto ditto half-bound Frenchmorocco 9 0

Página 132

Chapter 63DRAWING.=The Ornamental Penman’s=, Engraver’s and SignWriter’s Pocket Book of Alphabets. By B.ALEXANDER. Oblong 12mo, sewed 0 6=Slide Valve

Página 133

G. W. T. HALLATT. Fourth edition, 80 pp.18mo. (1906 ) net 1 6=A First Course of Mechanical Drawing= (Tracing).By G. HALLIDAY. Oblong 4to, sewed 2 0=A

Página 134 - Extincteur Extinguisher

Chapter 64EARTHWORK.=Tables for Computing the Contents of Earthwork=in the Cuttings and Embankments ofRailways. By W. MACGREGOR. Royal 8vo 6 0=Tables

Página 135

Chapter 3CCab Cab.Cam Came.Cam, ignition Came d’allumage.Cam shaft Arbre a cames.Cam shaft cover Couvercle d’arbre a cames.Cam shaft roller Galet d’ar

Página 136

Chapter 65ELECTRICALENGINEERING.=Practical Electric Bell Fitting.= By F. C. ALLSOP.Tenth edition, 186 illus. including 8 folding plates,185 pp. crown

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8vo. (New York, 1912 ) net 7 0=Electrical Ignition for Internal CombustionEngines.= By M. A. CODD. 109 illus. 163 8vo. (1911 ) net 3 0=Design

Página 138 - Chapter 32

Art. By F. B. CROCKER. Royal 8vo. (New York.)Vol. I. =The Generating Plant.= Sixthedition, 213 illus. 470 pp. (1904 ) net 12 6Vol. II. =Distributing S

Página 139

=Practical Alternating Currents and PowerTransmission.= By N. HARRISON. 172 illus.375 pp. crown 8vo. (New York, 1906 ) net 10 6=Making Wireless Outfits

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8vo. (1908 ) net 18 0=Electromagnets=, their design and construction. ByA. N. MANSFIELD. 36 illus. 155 pp. 18mo, boards.(New York, 1901 ) net 2 0=Tele

Página 141

=How to Install Electric Bells, Annunciators andAlarms.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 59 illus. 63 8vo, limp. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 2.) (NewYork, 1

Página 142 - Chapter 33

8vo. (S. & C. SERIES, No. 25.) (New York, 1911 ) net 1 6=Low Voltage Electric Lighting with the StorageBattery.= By N. H. SCHNEIDER. 23 illus. 85

Página 143 - Chapter 34

With 4 coloured and 30 foldingplates, 573 illus. 984 pp. (1904 ) net 1 10 0Vol. II. =Alternating Current Machinery.=15 coloured and 24 folding plates,

Página 144 - Chapter 35

Chapter 66FOREIGNEXCHANGE.=English Prices with Russian Equivalents= (atFourteen Rates of Exchange). English pricesper lb., with equivalents in roubles

Página 145 - Chapter 36

lb. to francs per kilogramme. By H. P.MCCARTNEY. 97 pp. 32mo, roan. (1907 ) net 1 0=Principles of Foreign Exchange.= By E. MATHESON.Fourth edition, 54

Página 146

direction.Cap for water tank Bouchon d’emplissage de reservoird’eau.Cap of draw link Chapeau de tension.Capacity (of tank) Contenance.Car Voiture.Car

Página 147 - Lunettes de route Goggles

Chapter 67GAS AND OILENGINES.=The Theory of the Gas Engine.= By D. CLERK.Edited by F. E. IDELL. Third edition, 19 illus.180 pp. 18mo, boards. (New Yor

Página 148

197 pp. 18mo, boards. (New York, 1907 ) net 2 0=Gas and Petroleum Engines.= A Manual for Studentsand Engineers. By Prof. W. ROBINSON.(FINSBURY TECHNIC

Página 149

Chapter 68GAS LIGHTING.=Gas Analyst’s Manual= (incorporating Hartley’s“Gas Analyst’s Manual” and “Gas Measurement").By J. ABADY. 102 illus. 576 p

Página 150

Second edition, 190 pp. 18mo, boards. (New York,1894 ) net 2 0=A Treatise on the Comparative CommercialValues of Gas Coals and Cannels.= By D. A.GRAHA

Página 151 - Chapter 38

Chapter 69HISTORICAL ANDBIOGRAPHICAL.=Extracts from the Private Letters of the lateSir William Fothergill Cooke=, 1836-9, relatingto the Invention and

Página 152 - Chapter 39

=Philipp Reis=, Inventor of the Telephone: a BiographicalSketch. By Prof. S. P. THOMPSON.8vo, cloth. (1883 ) 7 6=The Development of the Mercurial Air

Página 153 - Chapter 40

Chapter 70HOROLOGY.=Watch and Clock Maker’s Handbook=, Dictionaryand Guide. By F. J. BRITTEN. Tenthedition, 450 illus. 492 pp. crown 8vo. (1902 ) net

Página 154

Chapter 71HYDRAULICS ANDHYDRAULICMACHINERY.(See also IRRIGATION and WATER SUPPLY.)=The Suction Caused by Ships= explained in popularlanguage. By E. S.

Página 155

Two vols. 261 plates, 369 pp. royal 4to. (1895 ) net 1 10 0=Practical Handbook on Pump Construction.=By P. R. BJOeRLING. Second edition, 9 plates,90 p

Página 156

=Principles of Construction and Efficiency ofWaterwheels.= By W. DONALDSON. 13 illus.94 pp. 8vo. (1876 ) 5 0=Practical Hydrostatics and Hydrostatic Form

Página 157

Carriage clock Horloge de voiture.Carriage road Route carrossable.Carriage work Carrosserie.Carrier, luggage Porte-bagage.Carrier tricycle Tricycle po

Página 158

Chapter 72INDUSTRIALCHEMISTRY ANDMANUFACTURES.=Perfumes and their Preparation.= By G. W.ASKINSON. Translated from the Third GermanEdition by I. FUEST.

Página 159

250 pp. demy 8vo. (1912 ) net 5 0=A Treatise on the Manufacture of Soap andCandles=, Lubricants and Glycerine. By W. L.CARPENTER and H. LEASK. Second

Página 160 - Purgeur continu Drip tap

=The Chemistry, Properties, and Tests ofPrecious Stones.= By J. Mastin. 114 pp.fcap. 16mo, limp leather, gilt top. (1911 ) net 2 6=Sugar, a Handbook f

Página 161

1500 illus. 2100 pp. super-royal 8vo. (1882 )In 2 Vols, cloth net 2 2 0=The Absorption Refrigerating Machine.= ByG. T. VOORHEES. 42 illus. 144 pp. nar

Página 162 - Chapter 42

=The Manufacture of Chocolate= and other CacaoPreparations. By P. ZIPPERER. Second edition,87 illus. 280 pp. royal 8vo. (1902 ) net 16 0

Página 163

Chapter 73INTEREST TABLES.=The Wide Range Dividend and Interest Calculator=,showing at a glance the Percentage onany sum from One Pound to Ten Thousan

Página 164

Chapter 74IRRIGATION.=Punjab Rivers and Works.= By E. S. BELLASIS.47 illus. 65 pp. folio, cloth. (1911 ) net 8 0=Irrigation Pocket Book.= By R. B. BUC

Página 165

super-royal 8vo, plates folio). (1911 ) net 1 0 0=Egyptian Irrigation.= By Sir W. WILLCOCKS.Third edition in preparation.A few copies of the First Edi

Página 166

Chapter 75LOGARITHMTABLES.=Aldum’s Pocket Folding Mathematical Tables.=Four-figure logarithms, and Anti-logarithms,Natural Sines, Tangents, Cotangents,

Página 167

=Logarithmic Land Measurement.= By J. WALLACE.32 pp. royal 8vo. (1910 ) net 5 0=A B C Five-figure Logarithms with Tables,for Chemists.= By C. J. WOODWA

Página 168 - Routiere Roadster

Centering gauge Trusquin a centrer.Centering ring Bague de centrage.Central driving tricycle Tricycle a chaine centrale.Centre to centre D’axe en axe.

Página 169

Chapter 76MARINEENGINEERING ANDNAVALARCHITECTURE.=Marine Propellers.= By S. W. BARNABY. Fifthedition, 5 plates, 56 illus. 185 pp. demy 8vo.(1908 ) net

Página 170

By C. F. A. FYFE. 31 plates, 280 pp. fcap. 8vo,leather. (1907 ) net 10 6=Steamships and Their Machinery=, from first tolast. By J. W. C. HALDANE. 120 i

Página 171

Nineteenth edition, 37 plates, 358 illus. 696 pp.8vo net 14 0=Key to Reed’s Handbook= net 7 6=Reed’s Marine Boilers.= Second edition, crown 8vo net 4

Página 172

Chapter 77MATERIALS.=Practical Treatise on the Strength of Materials.=By T. BOX. Fourth edition, 27 plates, 536 pp.8vo. (1902 ) net 12 6=Treatise on t

Página 173 - Chapter 44

Association for Testing Materials.=English edition. 189 illus. 549 pp. demy 8vo.(1910 ).Paper net 15 0Cloth net 18 0

Página 174

Chapter 78MATHEMATICS.=Imaginary Quantities.= By M. ARGAND. Translatedby PROF. HARDY. 18mo, boards. (New York) net 2 0=Text Book of Practical Solid Ge

Página 175

=Primer of the Calculus.= By E. S. GOULD. Secondedition, 24 illus. 122 pp. 18mo, boards. (NewYork, 1899 ) net 2 0=Elementary Treatise on the Calculus=

Página 176

=Arithmetic of Electricity.= By T. O’C. SLOANE.Thirteenth edition, 5 illus. 162 pp. crown 8vo.(New York, 1901 ) net 4 6=Graphic Method for Solving cer

Página 177

Chapter 79MECHANICALENGINEERING.STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, ETC.=Engineers’ Sketch Book of Mechanical Movements.=By T. W. BARBER. Fifth edition, 3000il

Página 178

=Machine Design.= By Prof. W. L. CATHCART.Part I. FASTENINGS. 123 illus. 291 pp.demy 8vo. (New York, 1903 ) net 12 6=Chimney Design and Theory.= By W.

Página 179

Change speed gear Changement de vitesse.Change speed lever Levier de changement de vitesse.Change speed lever catch Cliquet du levier de changementde

Página 180 - Chapter 45

100 pp. 8vo. (1894 ) 3 6=Worm and Spiral Gearing.= By F. A. HALSEY.13 plates, 85 pp. 18mo, boards.(New York, 1903 ) net 2 0=Commercial Efficiency of Ste

Página 181 - Chapter 46

boards. (New York, 1906 ) net 2 0=Steam Boilers=, their Management and Working.By J. PEATTIE. Fifth edition, 35 illus. 230 8vo. (1906 ) net 4

Página 182

=How to run Engines and Boilers.= By E. P.WATSON. Fifth edition, 31 illus. 160 pp. crown8vo. (New York, 1904 ) 3 6=Position Diagram of Cylinder with M

Página 183

Chapter 80METALLURGY.IRON AND STEEL MANUFACTURE.=Life of Railway Axles.= By T. ANDREWS. 8vo,sewed. (1895 ) 1 0=Microscopic Internal Flaws in Steel Rai

Página 184 - Vrac, en In bulk

illus. viii + 225 pp. crown 8vo. (1912 ) net 3 0=American Standard Specifications for Steel.= ByA. L. COLBY. Second edition, revised, 103 8vo.

Página 185

94 illus. 180 pp. crown 8vo. (1910 ) net 4 6=Modern Foundry Practice.= Including revisedsubject matter and tables from SPRETSON’S“Casting and Founding

Página 186 - Chapter 48

Chapter 81METRIC TABLES.=French Measure and English Equivalents.= ByJ. BROOK. Second edition, 80 pp. fcap. 32mo,roan. (1906 ) net 1 0=A Dictionary of

Página 187 - Chapter 49

Chapter 82MINERALOGY ANDMINING.=Rock Blasting.= By G. G. ANDRE. 12 plates and56 illus. in text, 202 pp. 8vo. (1878 ) 5 0=Winding Plants for Great Dept

Página 188 - Chapter 50

105 pp. crown 8vo. (New York, 1907 ) net 4 6=Tin=: Describing the Chief Methods of Mining, Dressing,etc. By A. G. CHARLETON. 15 plates, 83 8v

Página 189 - A SHORT LIST OF

LOCK. 200 illus. 850 pp. demy 8vo. (1901 ) net 1 1 0=Mining and Ore-Dressing Machinery.= ByC. G. W. LOCK. 639 illus. 466 pp. super-royal 4to.(1890 ) 1

Página 190 - PUBLISHED BY

Clamp Bride; piece d’attache; pressepatte.Clamp for fastening motor Piece d’attache du moteur.Clasp brake Frein a machoires.Clean Propre.Clean, to Net

Página 191 - AGRICULTURE

Chapter 83MODELS ANDMODEL MAKING.=How to Build a Model Yacht.= By H. FISHER.Numerous illustrations, 50 pp. 4to. (New York,1902 ) net 4 6=Model Engines

Página 192 - 420 pp. 8vo. (1909 ) net 8 6

VIGNIER. 34 illus. 94 pp. crown 8vo, limp. (S. & C.SERIES, No. 9.) (New York, 1907 ) net 1 6=Small Engines and Boilers.= By E. P. WATSON.33 illus.

Página 193

Chapter 84ORGANISATION.ACCOUNTS, CONTRACTS AND MANAGEMENT.=Organisation of Gold Mining Business=, withSpecimens of the Departmental Report Booksand th

Página 194

E. MATHESON. Fourth edition, 230 pp. 8vo.(1910 ) net 10 6=Aid Book to Engineering Enterprise.= By E.MATHESON. Third edition, 916 pp. 8vo, buckram.(189

Página 195

Chapter 85PHYSICS.COLOUR, HEAT AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCE.=The Entropy Diagram= and its Applications. ByM. J. BOULVIN. 38 illus. 82 pp. demy 8vo. (1898

Página 196

Twenty-third edition, 920 illus. 1100 pp. large 8vo.(New York, 1902 ) net 1 1 0=Reform in Chemical and Physical Calculations.=By C. J. T. HANSSEN. Dem

Página 197 - ARTILLERY

Chapter 86PRICE BOOKS.=The Mechanical Engineers’ Price Book, 1912.=By G. BROOKS. 176 pp. pocket size (6-1/2 in. by3-3/4 in. by 1/2 in. thick), leather

Página 198 - AVIATION

YOUNG. Revised by STANFORD M. BROOKS. Illustrated,239 pp. green leather cloth. With Diaryshowing a week at an opening. (Size 6-1/2 in. by3-3/4 in. by

Página 199

Chapter 87RAILWAYENGINEERING ANDMANAGEMENT.=Practical Hints to Young Engineers Employedon Indian Railways.= By A. W. C. ADDIS.14 illus. 154 pp. 12mo.

Página 200 - STRUCTURAL

=Notes on Permanent-way Material=, Plate-laying,ad Points and Crossings. By W. H. COLE.Sixth edition, revised, 44 illus. in 39 plates, 203pp. crown 8v

Página 201

Clutch shaft spring Ressort d’arbre d’embrayage.Clutch sleeve Manchon.Clutch spring Ressort d’embrayage.Coach, house Remise.Cobble stones Pave.Coefficie

Página 202

=Railway Stores Price Book.= By W. O. KEMPTHORNE.487 pp. demy 8vo. (1909 ) net 10 6=Railroad Location Surveys and Estimates.= ByF. LAVIS. 68 illus. 27

Página 203 - CONCRETE

Chapter 88MUNICIPALENGINEERING.=Sewers and Drains for Populous Districts.= ByJ. W. ADAMS. Ninth edition, 81 illus. 236 pp.8vo. (New York, 1902 ) net 1

Página 204

(New York, 1905 ) net 2 0=Sewage Irrigation by Farmers.= By R. W. P.BIRCH. 8vo, sewed. (1878 ) 2 6=Sanitary House Drainage=, its Principles andPractic

Página 205

sewed. (1906 ) net 1 0=Sewage Disposal Works=, their Design and Construction.By W. C. EASDALE. With 160 illus.264 pp. demy 8vo. (1910 ) net 10 6=House

Página 206


Página 207 - ENGINEERING

Chapter 90TELEGRAPH CODES.=New Business Code.= 320 pp. narrow 8vo. (Size4-3/4 in. by 7-3/4 in. and 1/2 in. thick, and weight 10 oz.)(New York, 1909 )

Página 208

Chapter 91WARMING ANDVENTILATION.=Heat for Engineers.= By C. R. DARLING. Secondedition, 110 illus. 430 pp. 8vo. (FINSBURY TECHNICALMANUAL.) (1912 ) ne

Página 209

KINEALY. 18 illus. 53 pp. 8vo. (New York, 1899 ) 3 6=Centrifugal Fans.= By J. H. KINEALY. 33 illus. 206pp. fcap. 8vo, leather. (New York, 1905 ) net 1

Página 210

Chapter 92WATER SUPPLY.(See also HYDRAULICS.)=Potable Water and Methods of Testing Impurities.=By M. N. BAKER. 97 pp. 18mo,boards. (New York, 1905 ) n

Página 211 - CURVE TABLES

=Well Boring= for Water, Brine and Oil. By C. ISLER.Second edition, 105 illus. 296 pp. 8vo. (1911 ) net 10 6=Method of Measuring Liquids Flowing throu

Página 212

Commutator cam shaft Axe portant la came dedistributeur d’allumage.Commutator glass Glace de couvercle dedistributeur d’allumage.Compass Boussole.Comp


Chapter 93WORKSHOPPRACTICE.FOR ART WORKERS AND MECHANICS.=A Handbook for Apprenticed Machinists.= ByO. J. BEALE. Second edition, 89 illus., 141 pp.16m

Página 214 - 16mo. (1909 ) net 2 6

New impression, 31 pp. royal 32mo, sewed.(1912 ) net 0 6=Art of Copper-Smithing.= By J. FULLER. Fourthedition, 483 illus. 319 pp. royal 8vo. (New York

Página 215

470 pp. crown 8vo. (1906 ) 9 0=The Practical Handbook of Smithing andForging.= Engineers’ and General Smiths’ Work.By T. MOORE. New impression, 401 il

Página 216 - Ditto ditto half-bound French

Handicraftsmen and Amateurs. Sixth edition,New impression, 1430 illus. 720 pp. demy 8vo.(1912 ) 6 0Ditto ditto half French morocco 7 6=Spons’ Workshop

Página 217

108 illus. 86 pp. 8vo. (New York, 1897 ) net 4 6=American Tool Making= and Interchangeable Manufacturing.By J. W. Woodworth. 600 illus.544 pp. demy 8v

Página 218


Página 219 - EARTHWORK

per second. By P. KEERAYEFF. 18mo, sewed net 0 6=Calculating Scale.= A Substitute for the Slide Rule.By W. KNOWLES. Crown 8vo, leather net 1 0=Planime

Página 220 - ELECTRICAL

etc. By A. WILDGOOSE and A. J. ORR. 175 pp.fcap. 32mo. (1903 ) net 2 0

Página 221

Chapter 95MISCELLANEOUS.=The Atmosphere=: Its Characteristics and Dynamics.By F. J. B. CORDEIRO. 35 illus. 129 4to. (New York, 1910 ) net 10

Página 222

8vo. (1904 ) net 2 6=New Theories in Astronomy.= By W. STIRLING.335 pp. demy 8vo. (1906 ) net 8 6=The American Hardware Store.= A Manual ofapproved me

Página 223


Página 224

Containing case Bac.Contour map Carte avec profils.Control Commande.Controlling lever Manette de commande.Controlling wheel Roue de commande de marche.

Página 225

* * * * *=Transactions of the Institution of Gas Engineers.=Edited by WALTER T. DUNN, Secretary.Published Annually, 8vo, cloth, 10_s._ 6_d._ net.* * *

Página 226

Chapter 96LONDON: PRINTEDBY WILLIAMCLOWES AND SONS,LIMITED.* * * * *Transcriber’s Note: This book contains a dictionary plus a bookadvertisements sect

Página 227

Les erreurs suivantes ont ete corrigees:* p55: corrige “concasses” en “concassees”("Route en pierres concassees"),* p68: corrige “Retard” en

Página 228 - EXCHANGE

Chapter 97End of the ProjectGutenberg EBook ofEnglish-French andFrench-Englishdictionary of the motorcar, cycle, and boat, byFrederick Lucas*** END OF

Página 229

Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editionswill be renamed.Creating the works from public domain print editions meansthat no one o

Página 230 - ENGINES

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Página 235

Cover (tyre) Enveloppe; bandage.Cover for oil hole Bouche-trou.Cover 80 miles in a day, to Couvrir 80 milles dans la journee.Cover of contact breaker

Página 236 - HOROLOGY


Página 237 - MACHINERY

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Chapter 99Section 2. Informationabout the Mission ofProject Gutenberg-tmProject Gutenberg-tm is synonymous with the free distributionof electronic wor

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Página 242

Crate, folding Caisse pliante.Cross frame Cadre en croix.Cross head Crosse.Cross section Coupe transversale.Cross shaft Croisillon.Crossways Carrefour

Página 243

Cycle, to Monter a velo.Cycling Velocipedie.Cyclist Velocipediste; cycliste.Cyclometer Compteur ; cyclometre.Cylinder Cylindre.Cylinder full (of mixtu

Página 244

Chapter 4DD shackle Menotte.D valve Tiroir a coquille.Damage Dommage.Damage, to Endommager.Danger board Poteau avertisseur.Dangerous hill Descente dan


Detour Detour.Devil Bequille.Diagonal Diagonal, -e.Diagonal tube Tube diagonal.Diagram Diagramme; schema.Diagrammatic arrangement Disposition schemati

Página 246 - IRRIGATION

Disengage, to Debrayer.Disengaging lever Levier de debrayage.Dish, to Emboutir.Dismantling Demontage.Dismount, to Descendre.Distance Distance.Distance

Página 247

Down tube Tube diagonal.Dragon tongue Dard.Drain tap Robinet de vidange.Draught Courant d’air.Draught of water when empty Tirant d’eau a vide.Draught

Página 248 - LOGARITHM

Dry battery Pile seche.Dust Poussiere.Dust cap tube Tube pare-poussiere.Dust guard Pare-poussiere.Dust proof Etanche a la poussiere.Dust-shield, gauze

Página 249

Chapter 5EEasy gradient Pente faible.Easy running Tres roulant.Ebonite Ebonite.Ebony Ebene.Eccentric Excentrique.Eccentric rod Tige d’excentrique.Ecce



Página 251

Elm, grey Orme blanc.Elm, rock Orme noir.Emery cloth Toile d’emeri.Emery paper Papier d’emeri.Enamel Email.Enamel, to Emailler.Enamelled plate Plaque

Página 252

Exhaust lift cam Came d’echappement.Exhaust pipe Tube d’echappement.Exhaust port Lumiere d’echappement.Exhaust pot Pot d’echappement.Exhaust steam Vap

Página 253 - MATERIALS

Extinguisher Extincteur.Extra nuts Ecrous de rechange.Extra price Plus-value.Extra strong tube Tube renforce.Eye bolt Piton.

Página 254 - Cloth net 18 0

Chapter 6FFabric (of tyre cover) Toile.Face of slide valve Glace du tiroir.Faced in the lathe Dresse au tour.Fall, to Tomber.Fan Ventilateur.Fast Rapi

Página 255

Ferrule Frette; virole.Ferry Bac.Ferry, to cross the Passer le bac.Fibre Fibre.Fibre cam Came fibre.Fibre, insulation Fibre isolante.File Lime.File, to

Página 256

Float Flotteur.Float chamber Boite du flotteur; reservoir aflotteur.Float wire Tige de flotteur.Flooder Deversoir.Flush head Tete affleuree.Fluted rubber p

Página 257

Forward and reverse lever rod pin Axe de levier de changementdemarche.Forward movement Marche en avant.Four cycle gas motor Moteur a quatre temps.Four

Página 258 - MECHANICAL

Front hub fixed cone Cone fixe du moyeu avant.Front mudguard Garde-boue avant.Front mudguard stays Tirants du garde-boue avant.Front rim Jante de la rou

Página 259

Chapter 7GGaiter, tyre Manchon guetre pour pneu.Garage Garage.Gas Gaz.Gas bag Ballon; poche a gaz.Gas lever Manette d’admission de gaz.Gas pipe to mot

Página 260

Gear box Boite de mouvement; boited’engrenages.Gear box bearings Coussinets de boite de mouvement.Gear case Garde-chaine; Carter;couvre-engrenages.Gea

Página 261

Contents1 ENGLISH-FRENCH. 12 B 43 C 134 D 255 E 306 F 347 G 398 H 439 I 4610 J 4811 K 4912 L 5013 M 5414 N 5715 O 5916 P 61

Página 262

Governor ball fork Chape de boule de regulateur.Governor cam Came de regulateur.Governor hammer Marteau de came de regulateur.Governor hammer shaft Ar

Página 263 - METALLURGY

Guide for clutch cone Toc d’embrayage.Guide for governor lever Toc de levier de regulateur.Gun clip Porte-fusil.Gunwale Plat-bord.Gusset Gousset.Gutte

Página 264

Chapter 8HHair seat Siege en crin.Half-section Demi-coupe.Half-speed shaft Arbre a cames.Half-time gear Mouvement de reduction a 1/2.Hammer Marteau.Ha

Página 265

Hardened steel Acier trempe.Head and handlebar clip Collier de serrage du guidon.Head and handlebar clip bolt and Boulon et ecrou du collier dunut_ gu

Página 266 - METRIC TABLES

Hired car Voiture de louage.Hitch Accroc; anicroche.Holding down bolt Boulon d’ancrage.Hole Trou.Hollow Creux; creuse.Hollow rim Jante creuse.Hollow t


Chapter 9IIgniter Allumoir; appareil d’allumage.Ignition Allumage.Ignition cam Came d’allumage.Ignition, electric Allumage electrique.Ignition lever M

Página 268

Inlet, petrol Orifice de remplissage.Inlet valve Soupape d’admission; soupaped’aspiration.Inlet valve cap Chapeau de soupape d’admission.Inlet valve co

Página 269

Chapter 10JJack Verin; cric.Japan, to Vernir.Jersey Tricot de laine.Jet condenser Condenseur a jet.Jet, petrol Gicleur; bec.Jockey pulley Poulie de te

Página 270 - MODEL MAKING

Chapter 11KKeel Quille.Keep Chapeau.Kerbstone Pierre de rebord.Key Clavette; clef.Key, to Caler.Key way Mortaise de clavette.Kick back Choc en arriere

Página 271 - 1899 ) net 5 6

Chapter 12LLabel Etiquette.Laced spokes Rayons tangents.Lady cyclist Velocipediste.Lady’s bicycle Bicyclette de dame.Lady’s machine Machine de dame.La

Página 272

17 Q 6718 R 6819 S 7220 T 8221 U 8722 V 8823 W 9024 Y 9425 Z 9526 FRENCH-ENGLISH. 9627 B 10128 C 10729 D 11830 E 12131 F 12632 G 12933 H 13334 I 13435

Página 273

Lattice girder Poutre en treillis.Lead Plomb.Leak, to Fuir.Leakage Fuite.Leather Cuir.Leather seat Siege de cuir.Leather top of saddle Cuir de selle.L

Página 274 - PHYSICS

Linoleum Linoleum.Linseed oil, boiled Huile de lin cuite.Live axle Essieu moteur.Lock Serrure; loqueteau.Lock nut Contre-ecrou.Locksmith Serrurier.Lon

Página 275

Lubricator tap Robinet pour alimentation degraisseur.Lubricator wheel Roue de commande de graisseur.Lug Oreille.Luggage Bagage.Luggage carrier, handle

Página 276 - PRICE BOOKS

Chapter 13MMacadam Macadam.Macadamised road Chaussee en empierrement.Machine Machine.Magnet Aimant.Mahogany Acajou.Main axle Essieu principal.Main roa

Página 277

Member (club) Societaire.Membrane Membrane.Mercury Mercure.Mesh, to Engrener.Metal Metal.Metal polish Pate a polir.Metalled road Route en pierres conc

Página 278 - MANAGEMENT

Motor cycle Motocycle.Motor cyclist Motocycliste.Motor house Garage.Motor in front Moteur a l’avant.Motor launch Canot automobile.Motor piston Piston

Página 279

Chapter 14NNail Clou.Nail catcher Arrache-clous.Name plate Plaque d’identite.Narrow tread bracket Pedalier etroit.Nave hoop Frette.Neat’s foot oil Hui

Página 280

Non-skidding Anti-derapant.Non-skidding band Bande anti-derapante.Non-skidding protecting cover Contre-enveloppe anti-derapante.Non-stretching belt Co

Página 281 - MUNICIPAL

Chapter 15OOak Chene.Oak, live Chene vert; yeuse.Oak, white Chene blanc.Odometer Odometre.Offset reducing coupling Manchon excentrique de reduction.Oil

Página 282

Oil pump Pompe a huile.Oil reservoir } Reservoir a huile.Oil tank }Oil, to Huiler; graisser.Oil way Gouttiere de graissage; ramped’huile.Oiling Huilag

Página 283

40 P 14441 Q 15242 R 15343 S 16044 T 16445 U 17146 V 17247 W 17648 Y 17749 Z 17850 LONDON: PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWESAND SONS, LIMITED, GREAT WINDMILL

Página 284

Chapter 16PPace Allure.Pace, to go a good Aller bon train.Pace, to increase the Accelerer.Pace-maker Entraineur.Pack, to Emballer; garnir.Packing Emba


Pattern Modele; echantillon.Paved road Route pavee.Pavement Pave.Pawl Linguet.Peak, saddle Bec de selle.Pedal Pedale.Pedal adjusting cone Cone de regl

Página 286 - VENTILATION

Petrol warmer Rechauffeur.Petroleum Paraffine; petrole.Petroleum lamp Lanterne a petrole.Phaeton Phaeton.Pin Goupille.Pincers Tenailles.Pinch, to (tyre)

Página 287

Plate Plaque.Plate clutch Embrayage a plateaux.Plate, to Nickeler.Platinum Platine.Platinum contact Contact platine.Platinum contact on trembler Conta

Página 288 - WATER SUPPLY

Pricker Aiguille.Primary shaft Arbre primaire.Prize, to win a Gagner un prix.Projecting shaft Arbre en porte-a-faux.Projector Projecteur.Prop Tirette;

Página 289

Pump union Raccord de pompe.Pump washer Rondelle pour pompe.Pump with clapper valve Pompe a battant.Puncture Perforation.Puncture proof Imperforable.P

Página 290 - PRACTICE

Chapter 17QQuadrant Secteur.Quadricycle Quadricycle.Quadruple gear wheel Roue quadruple.Quadruplet Quadruplette.

Página 291

Chapter 18RRace Course.Racing car Voiture de course.Racing machine Machine de course.Racing man Coureur.Rack Cremaillere.Radiating fin } Ailette.Radiat

Página 292

Red light Feu rouge.Reed (horn) Anche.Reference mark Point de repere.Refill Recharge.Reflector Reflecteur.Regulations Reglement de circulation.Regulator

Página 293

Revolution Tour.Revolution counter Compte-tours.Revolving seat Siege tournant.Ribbon road Route en lacets.Rideable hill Cote praticable.Rideable road

Página 294


Página 295 - USEFUL TABLES

Rod for brake lever Tige de levier de frein.Rod for carburetter piston Tige de piston de carburateurRod for clutch pedal Tige de pedale d’embrayage.Ro

Página 296

Chapter 19SSaddle Selle.Saddle clip Serrage de selle.Saddle cover Couvre-selle.Saddle, cushion Selle a coussins.Saddle frame Cadre de selle.Saddle lug

Página 297

Screw Vis.Screw brake Frein a vis.Screw-cut, to Tarauder; fileter.Screw driver Tournevis.Screw for fastening Vis de fixation de vis de contact.platinum-


chapeau.Security stud with wing nut Boulon de securite a oreilles.Segment Segment.Seize, to Gripper.Seizing Grippement.Self-propelling Automobile.Self

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Side slip Derapage.Side slip, to Deraper.Side step Marchepied de cote.Side thrust Poussee oblique.Side timbers Ridelles.Side view Vue de cote.Sight fe

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Snug, with Ergote.Socket Manchon; douille.Socket, head Douille de direction.Soft soap Savon noir.Solder, to Souder.Sole bar Longeron.Sole piece Semell

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Spindle, valve Tige de soupape.Spiral spring Ressort a boudin.Spirit Essence.Spirit lamp Lampe a alcool.Splash board Planche pare-crotte.Split Fendu.S

Página 302

Spring box Boite a ressort.Spring clutch Embrayage a ressort.Spring frame Cadre antivibrateur.Spring of burner valve Ressort de vis pointeau debruleur

Página 303 - Chapter 97

Starting handle Manivelle de mise en marche.Starting handle axle Axe de manivelle de mise enmarche.Starting pin Goupille de mise en marche.Starting pi

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Steering post Tube interieur de direction.Steering quadrant Secteur de direction.Steering rod Bielle de commande de direction;tige de direction.Steeri

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Página 306

Street Rue.Stroke of piston Course du piston.Stud Goujon.Stud bolt Colonnette.Stud, security Boulon de securite.Stud with projection Goujon ergot.Stud

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Chapter 20TTack Pointe.Tail-board Tablier d’arriere.Tail board fastening (wagon) Fermeture de hayon.Tail board hook Crochet de tablier.Tail end shaft

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Tax plate Plaque de controle.Teak Teck.Tee Te.Telescopic pump Pompe telescope.Template Gabarit.Tenon Tenon.Terminal Borne.Thimble Cosse.Thong Laniere.

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Timekeeper Chronometreur.Timing gear Appareil d’avance a l’allumage.Timing sector or quadrant Secteur pour avance a l’allumage.Toe clip Rattrape de pe

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croissant de protection.Trembler Trembleur; rupteur.Trembler coil Bobine a trembleur.Tricycle Tricycle.Trip Voyage de plaisir.Trip rod Culbuteur.Trip

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Twist belt Courroie torse.Two speed machine Machine a deux vitesses.Two to one gear Mouvement de dedoublement.Two to one shaft Arbre a cames.Two way t

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Chapter 21UUnattached Independant.Underframe Chassis inferieur.Under stem of carburetter Dessous de carburateur.Uniform, club Costume social.Union Rac

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Chapter 22VV belt Courroie trapezoidale; courroieen V.V block on trembler Bloc en V du trembleur.Valve, petrol inlet Clapet d’alimentation; pointeaud’

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Van Voiture de livraison.Van, large Fourgon de livraison.Vapourising carburetter Carburateur a evaporation.Variable speed Vitesse variable.Vehicle Veh

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Chapter 23WWagonette Wagonnette.Wallet Sacoche.Walnut Noyer.Warmer Rechauffeur.Warming pipe Tube-rechauffeur.Wash-board Fargue.Washer Rondelle.Waste oil

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